
世人皆要我的男孩功成名就 平步青雲 可我不要 我只要他平安健康 在我身邊一年又一年。

As long as I have a year‘s success, my boy will be safe


Secret love is the wind, like is the tsunami, love is the sea, Keren, is an island。


慢慢來吧 總有一場相遇是互相喜歡 互相欣賞 共同成長 是隔著茫茫人海帶著溫柔奔赴過來的

Take your time, there will always be a meeting where you like each other, appreciate each other, grow up together, and come across the vast sea of people with tenderness。

等到有人義無反顧來愛我 我一定說聲謝謝

When someone loves me without hesitation, I will say thank you。


God calls the heart dancing in the dark the moon


再熱情的心也經不起冷漠 再愛你的人也經不起冷落

No matter how warm the heart is, it can’t stand indifference。 No matter who loves you, it can‘t stand the cold shoulder


If you don’t need a foot pad, someone will bend over and love you

我愛你 心就特別軟 平淡也溫暖 無語也浪漫。

I love you, my heart is very soft, plain and warm, silent and romantic。



I can‘t give you tenderness, but there’s a word to say, do my best。

怎麼了就直接說 不要藏著掖著 我一直在

What‘s the matter? Just tell me not to hide and tuck me in all the time


I think you should miss me at this time


Why did Cupid shoot with his eyes closed


Because love doesn’t matter gender


我累 我不想讀書 但是我想考高中 我想給父母爭光 向別人證明我自己 我想和大家在一所學校 我不想初中三年什麼成果都沒有。

I‘m tired, I don’t want to study, but I want to test in high school, I want to win honor for my parents, I want to prove myself to others, I want to be in the same school with you, I don‘t want to have no achievement in three years of junior high school


世人皆要我的女孩善解人意 成熟懂事 可我不要 我要她平平安安健康快樂 我會在她身邊一年又一年

The world wants my girl to be understanding, mature and sensible, but I don’t want her。 I want her to be safe, healthy and happy。 I will be by her side year after year



I cut the wall so high that I left you a path

人間驕陽正好 彼時他們正當年少

They were young at the time of the scorching sun

