
18歲的你 迷茫又著急 你想要房子車子想要旅行 你那麼年輕 卻想要覬覦這個世界 你那麼浮躁 卻又想看透生活。

18 years old, you are confused and anxious, you want a house, a car, a trip, you are so young, but you want to covet the world, you are so impetuous, but you want to see through life


有一群熱氣騰騰的朋友真好啊 他們熱熱鬧鬧的把你從深淵中拉出來 還若無其事的推著你往前走

It‘s nice to have a group of steaming friends。 They pull you out of the abyss and push you forward as if nothing happened


丁達爾效應出現時 光便有了形狀

When the dingdar effect appears, it has a shape


Don’t be so stupid as to measure your feelings by the time you know them


海壓竹枝低復舉 風吹山角晦還明

The sea pressure, the bamboo branch is low, the wind blows, the mountain corner is dark and bright

“沒有一個人會喜歡我三五年 也驚豔不了誰的歲月 但我在努力發光 做自己的主角。”


“No one will like me for three or five years, but I‘m trying to be my own protagonist。”


The beginning: “meet is sign。”


Ending: “it’s a bad idea to give up。”

來年秋風起 不如故人歸

It‘s not as good as old friends coming back next autumn


I always love the gentle breeze and sunset in the evening


別灰心呀 每個人都是星星 暗一點也沒關係 終會有人仰望天空注視你 即使腳踩在淤泥裡 心也要向著光明

Don’t lose heart。 Everyone is a star。 It doesn‘t matter if it’s dark。 Someone will look up at you in the sky。 Even if you step in the mud, your heart will turn to the light


Crying can‘t solve the problem, but it can’t solve it



Waiting for your confession is to express my mind, not to ask for relationship from you


As long as you‘re still laughing, the world isn’t too bad

那天霧很大 我站在霧裡連我自己都看不清 卻看的清你 我的意思是大霧可以遮住我的視線 但遮不住我對你的愛

It was very foggy that day。 I stood in the fog。 I couldn‘t even see myself clearly, but I could see you clearly。 I mean, the fog can block my sight, but it can’t block my love for you
