我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .


Don‘t think it’s a pity to miss, you may have escaped

我已經幻想過了 同居 求婚 訂婚 結婚 生孩子 我打心底裡已經嫁過他一次了 至於他以後娶誰我都祝他幸福。

I‘ve fantasized about cohabitation, marriage proposal, engagement, marriage and birth。 I’ve married him once in my heart。 As for who he will marry, I wish him happiness

我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .


If you take too much seriously, you will find that it‘s only you who are trapped in it


I don’t think I‘m connected or unfamiliar, but I just think

我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .

別人都在種麥子 你退出來種玫瑰 你要浪漫 你不要命。

Others are planting wheat, you go back and plant roses, you want romance, you don’t want to die


I wish him peace in the name of a passer-by

我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .

能說出來的委屈 便不算是委屈。

Grievances that can be said are not grievances。

如果你看過我看過的世界 走過我走過的路 你是不是會更靠近我

If you‘ve seen the world I’ve seen and walked my way, will you be closer to me

我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .


The position has been reserved for you。 It‘s up to you if you want to look back。

你深夜為他流淚 他深夜王者帶妹

You shed tears for him late at night, and he takes his sister with him late at night

我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .


You should sleep well when I break down late at night


It’s hard to wake up in the early morning and sleep。

愛錯了就趕緊回頭吧 趁天還沒黑 趁還記得路

Love is wrong, go back quickly, while it is not dark, while still remember the road

愛意隨風起卻不隨風散 意難平也無法和解說承諾的人早忘了 聽的進的人進不得退不捨 沒有安全感的人活在過去折騰自己。

Love rises with the wind, but does not disperse with the wind, meaning is difficult to calm, and can not explain the commitment of the people who have forgotten to listen to the people who can not go back, do not give up the people who do not have a sense of security to live in the past toss themselves

我們都是如何在一個人的世界裡尋找自己的生活,並在一起走完. . .


Every night is a cycle of collapse and self-healing


I told you so。 We don‘t fit。 You have to give it a try。 Now that you’re ready, leave me alone


It‘s not that the possessiveness of lovers is the most ridiculous
