
我看了好多次煙火 一年比一年盛大 但還是那一年的好看。

I‘ve seen fireworks many times, and it’s more and more grand year by year, but it‘s still good-looking that year。

小孩天天哭 戀愛回回輸

Children cry and fall in love every day


喜歡歸喜歡 太卑微就沒必要了 我不會對你著迷 我那麼有趣 誰錯過我都不是我的遺憾

I don’t want to be obsessed with you。 I‘m so interesting。 It’s not my pity that anyone missed me


Wishful thinking, beginning without end



The withered flower has lost its original shape and fragrance。

你已經遠遠離開 我也會慢慢走開

You are far away, and I will walk away


因為我愛你所以我才會瞎想 會吃醋 會懷疑你是否愛我 我也會因為你沒有回我訊息而委屈到抹眼淚。

Because I love you, so I will think, will be jealous, will doubt whether you love me, I will also because you did not return my message and wronged to wipe tears

別敷衍我 別冷漠我 別看到資訊不回 別聊天聊到一半消失 別讓我吃醋別離開我 換個說法 就是我離不開你。

Don‘t be perfunctory, don’t be indifferent, don‘t see the information don’t return, don‘t chat until half disappear, don’t make me jealous, don‘t leave me, in other words, I can’t leave you。


在這風華正茂的日子裡 我想讓他迷途知返。

I want him to get lost in this prime of life。

你露出一點馬腳吧 讓我知道你也喜歡我

Show me something and let me know you like me too



Later, the clumsy child chose to walk the rest of the way by himself。

你為什麼不出現一下 我好想你?

Why don‘t you want to show up?

故事都快跟朋友講爛 卻還是成為了意難平

The story is about to be told to a friend, but it’s still hard to calm down


我沒有安全感 老是瞎想 佔有慾特強 我會在晚上偷偷哭 我怕你不愛我 我怕你丟下我 你心裡會不會還有別人。

I don‘t have a sense of security。 I’m always thinking possessive。 I‘ll cry secretly at night。 I’m afraid you don‘t love me。 I’m afraid you‘ll leave me。 Will there be someone else in your heart

我開始釋懷了 他現在愛著誰 陪著誰 在誰身邊和誰過新年 對我來說已經不重要了 都翻篇了 他這道坎我準備要過去了。

I began to let go of who he loves, who he is with, who he is with, who he is with, and who he is spending the new year with


