


If you never forget, there will be echoes in the movie。

談不上難過 也談不上快樂 有的時候只是無可奈何 無能為力和順其自然 說不出有多少委屈。

Not sad, not happy, sometimes just helpless and let it be


如果再來一次 我就記住你的模樣然後躲在人群裡 就算再喜歡你 我也不會說 因為這是陰影 也是教訓

If I do it again, I will remember your appearance and hide in the crowd。 Even if I like you again, I will not say it because it is a shadow and a lesson

這路遙馬急的人間 真的有人把愛藏好幾年

There are people who hide their love for several years in this world



I just feel that I loved this person so much at that time。 When I look at him today, why do I think he is like a stranger

他真的好特別 我也真的忘不掉

He‘s really special and I can’t forget it



What I can do now is to mourn my passing years with a clumsy piece of writing

我走一程 回望一程 期待一程 落空一程

I walk one way, look back one way, expect one way, fail one way



Someone really cried until three or four o‘clock in the morning, and the next day they could wipe away their tears and continue to love you。

我希望我以後的男孩子但凡提到分手兩個字是 會把我臭罵一頓並堅定選擇我而不是 痛快回句 好 然後拉黑刪除分手

I hope my future boys will scold me if they mention the word break up and firmly choose me instead of saying yes and then break up


希望我是真的釋懷 而不是瞞著所有人 偷偷難過 你曾經說永遠不離開 最後卻對我說了對不起 關於我們 提起皆是遺憾

I hope I am really relieved, not secretly sad behind everyone’s eyes。 You once said that you would never leave, but you finally said sorry to me。 It‘s a pity for us to mention it

